I was reading my piece on Sean M. Carroll and his talk to the American Association of Science's 212th Meeting: Session 94 titled: The Origin of The Universe and the Arrow of Time (courtesy Google Video). Sean M Carroll turns the big bang inside out, upside down and backwards to show how flawed it is, but also to show a way forward. He asks, "What happened before the big bang?" Pointedly he tells the story of the big bang backwards to show how many question are left un-asked and, unanswered.
When I was writing the story I titled, "Sean M Carroll Re-writes The Big Bang Theory", the idea of entropy confused me - and it still does. But I thought today, 'I'm going to go ahead and publish my idea of what entropy is, dam the torpedoes (and my ignorance of mathematical physics) - I think this hangs together.'
My vision is this; the expansion of the universe is caused by fields of entropy created when highly complex systems evolve, like our solar system. The increasing strength of their entropic spheres push away other entropic systems. Thus, no Big Bang!
Entropy is defined as, "the degree to which matter is away from this ultimate stable state".
A stable state in my mind is something that is dead. No change equals death. So the furthest things from a stable state are things that are alive, the earth's biosphere for examle, of us human beings.
Therefore the highest state of entropy we know of is consciousness.
Secondly, no 'thing' has zero entropy, or it doesn't exist - because everything is related to/influenced by everything else.
You can extend that formulation to the solar system:
I think a solar system is as close to being 'alive' or having an extremely high state of entropy as almost anything in the universe, several of this suns planets are much closer to earth like conditions than in for example, the matter that makes up a nebula; yet one might look at a nebula and say, 'there, that thing has much more entropy than the planetoid Pluto', but I disagree. The middle aged and relatively highly organized system of rotations and orbits that this solar system has been functioning towards for 4 billion years, is much further from the stable than that nebula even though Pluto may appear to be a dead and desolate place. The stable (unchanging?) functioning of a complex system is not death, not low entropy - although it might appear that way. Nothing in the universe is as close to going from matter to consciousness(the highest state of entropy we know of) as the 'dead' planets of our solar system. With a mere twist of the gravity well (by say, a large rogue planetoid entering the plane of the planets) any one of the millions of highly complex matter points in this, and a billion other, solar system could be moved to an orbit which over time, could begin to develop life.
The problem is that our perspective is that of the life expectancy of a fruit fly (1 week) as compared to an 11,700 year old Creosote bush. In galactic terms our short lives expire after 27,000 rotations of the earth around the sun, while the earth will circle it some 2,920,000,000,000 times in the life of the sun.
Can we prove this, can one measure the entropic field of the solar system?
I think we already have. When the pioneer space craft wasn't where it was supposed to be back in 2007 (The Pioneer Anomaly), scientists figured out where it was and backward engineered a formula that they then attributed to the 'Bow Wave' of the solar system (it's OK - that's called empirical science - disprove it and your a winner). It's a region on the far outer reaches of the solar system where the forces of gravity create a field which interacts with the relatively less dense vacuum of extra solar space (sorry - we don't know very much about out there). This interaction point is dubbed the Bow Wave of the solar system modeled after the bow wave planet earth makes as it hurtles around the sun, measured in 2007 as well by NASA's Themis mission (FilterBlogs posts on Themis).

I'm not big on gravity, I don't think it exists. I think gravity is the entropic fields I talk about above: the forces accumulated in the spinning and orbiting of masses, and groups of masses, create what we understand as gravity. The Newtonian laws don't change just our appreciation of the complexities of the equation. In my model, mass matters less than the motion of said mass and the field they create - it's all about mass(motion/time).
So anyway, the quality of the entropic field is that bow wave formula that "explains" the pioneer space craft anomaly.
That is all - for now.
Image from WikiMedia - linked to Pioneer Anomaly page.
Hmmm. Not sure how your theory fits with the second law of thermodynamics. Also not sure about equating stable with dead. But, interesting post.
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate the feed back, thanks for taking the time.
ReplyDeleteMichael Holloway