Via - Joy of Sox: In The Year Of The Chewable Ambien Tab
Via - NPR: All Songs Considered
On June 18, 2011 artists Ligorano/Reese presented a temporary monument in the garden of Jim Kempner Fine Art in NYC called "Morning In America." The installation was witnessed by hundreds and lasted a total of 8 hours throughout the hot day. ...A THOUSAND CUTS is a timelapse video of the event. The soundtrack was inspired by an excerpt from Senator Bernie Sanders 8 hour filibuster on the U.S. Senate floor against the extension of the Bush tax cuts and the effects on the middle class. It is orchestrated to music by composer/violinist Michael Galasso.
"The IMF said total losses and writedowns would reach about $945bn, based on market prices in mid-March. Banks would suffer slightly more than half the total losses, with the rest falling on insurance companies, pension funds, hedge funds and other investors."
Update - 18Aug2011: Common Dreams 17Aug2011
"Need Concrete Plans to Rebuild Infrastructure; Focus of Efforts should be to Get Back to Work"
Kucinich Building Support for the National Emergency Employment Defense Act; "Time to Get Real about Creating Jobs"
Kucinich to introduce bill in the House this fall - "National Emergency Employment Defense Act" ("NEED" HR__ pdf).
UPDATE: Monday, August 15, 2011
I think I've figured out what happened. Over at my Blogger Baseball Scorecard I was having trouble uploading a page that includes a html file that is near 500,000 bytes. The page held the file in a text area to make it easy for non-coders to work with - but I was having trouble understanding the Post Settings language in the Blogger User Interface. As a result, the large file would be re-written to the long form, or interpreted html by the blogger interface - thus uploading gobbley-gook on Publish. When I realized the post had failed to render as I wanted it, I just reset the Post Option to a different setting with out reloading the file from my back-up, thus asking Blogger upload to accept what it intrepreted as a corrupted file. On the fifth try (I'm a little obstinate sometimes) a security algorithm kicked in and blocked my IP address from accessing sites where I had uploaded large files before. This included interestingly, a Word Press blog where at lot of blogger processed pictures reside - and even more interestingly, the security process also blocked me from searching the word 'blog' in Google Search.
How they did that is beyond me. Amazing power Google has.
HRW: Obama broke law not prosecuting Bush & Cheney Michael Ratner: Prosecution of Bush Cheney and Rumsfeld will have to be done in other countries as Obama has refused to pursue it |
"Hell No" - Your Right to Dissent Michael Ratner: There is a North America-wide strategy to take away the right to mass protest |
Toronto G-20: Denying Civil Rights is a Crime Paul Jay: Responsibility for G-20 "Days of Infamy" mainly RCMP and Federal Gov. |
Why Austerity and Not Stimulus? Bob Pollin Pt5: Main objective of austerity is to demolish the welfare state and public ownership |
Address Unemployment, Then Debt Bob Pollin Pt.4: Unemployment has evaporated in Washington policy discussions August 5, 2011 |
The Real Danger is Deeper Recession Bob Pollin Pt.3: None of the fundamentals that led to the crash in '08 have been corrected |
No Emergency, But Long-Term Debt is a Threat Bob Pollin Pt.2: There is no debt crisis, but debt is a long-term danger to the economy |
Interest Payments at Historic Low - There is no Debt Crisis Robert Pollin: Interest payments on US debt well below average, there is time to deal with long-term debt July 29, 2011 |
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Nova Scotia fishermen's House (via flickr) |
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3B Kyle Seager's swipe-tag too quick for Ump |
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(Animation of "Newton's Cradle" via Wikipedia - also included in a article about the GIF format |
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(Rotating_earth_(large).gif (400 × 480 pixels, file size: 1.36 MB, MIME type: image/gif, looped, 44 frames, 4.0s) - via Wikipedia) |