"So then I imagined speeding up the orbits of all the solar systems' planets to that of orbit rates of elections around the nucleus of an atom. At that mathematical extrapolation is there a slow wave particle - an X-ray for example - that compares to the speed of a spacecraft? Then, if one compares the calculated pioneer anomaly diffraction to the diffraction of an X-ray hitting a particular atoms' orbital field - would they be similar?"
I'm not an astrophysicist, or a mathematician. I'm an amateur cosmologist - I understand the standard model of the universe, Newtonian physics, Electromagnetic theory and Quantum theory; and I think I have a pretty good understanding of General Relativity. I keep up to date with the most recent theories and on the latest experiments being designed to test them - and I eagerly await the mathematicians and computer modeling experts pronouncements on what the new data means to the various theoretical models.
The mysterious dark matter that is necessary to complete a grand unified model of everything has been theorized to be subspace energy - an anti-universe, a harmonic resonance of the universe we experience. Other theories have attempted a way around the numbers that don't add up, by imagining 11 universes - the so called String Theory of everything.
I've always thought these were too complicated. Ockham's razor postulates that all things being equal, the simplest answer is probably the right one. Well, all of these theories are equal, in my opinion. They all attempt to unite our understanding of the subatomic universe, the electromagnetic universe and the the so called 'weak forces' governed by Newtons Laws of Gravity and the Laws of Thermodynamics with very complex conjectures, and bring into the calculation some unseen matter, force, or reality.
So I started down this path with the question, 'What if we kept it simple?'
One thing that I've discovered in researching for this article is that there is very little known about the combined energy of the functioning of a solar system.
I asked myself, what is the total inertia (mass + vector) of all the planets and the sun of our solar system? It's not as easy a calculation as one might think. At first I thought - well you just calculate the mass of all the planets and their moons, and the sun, then add in the various speeds at which they travel around the sun - and the moons around their planets, and the orbit of the sun - and presto - the inertia of the solar system.
But then I started to consider the combined spins and orbits of all these masses:
- One must measure the shearing forces in play in this increasingly complex calculation - what fields do these forces create.
- What about the spin of each body and the different spin of the different layers in those planetary bodies? Some are gaseous bodies that have no 'solid' surface as we know solid here on earth - thus more complex spin and field characteristics.
- What measurements do we have of the complex machinations of the different density belts of those planets - the rings of Saturn for example? Each planet would all have different spins, and thus different field characteristics based on the relative densities.
- For example Earth's atmosphere has spheres of different densities - they all spin at different rates, and those different rates of spin also have interface zones that have yet more spin characteristics including eddies and counter eddies that create fields, and inter-field machinations that effect the whole.
- That's not even mentioning the magma under the crust of this planet that moves according to the spin of the whole and it's density.
- And now add in the atomic forces, and how they behave under different pressures which change the closer you measure to the centre of the planet - and effect greatly their spin characteristics.
- And what about the forces that come into play when all these bodies enter into the acute 'ends' of their elliptical orbits twice a year?
- And do the interactions of this huge number of fields create harmonic fields?
A supercomputer would be needed to calculate all these vectors - but so, OK, now (theoretically) we have a number.
But what does it mean?
This question sent me to the Laws of Thermodynamics; 'Entropy' (laws 1 and 2) say that all systems will eventually lose all their entropy and move towards a stable state, as they do so they give off heat. So the solar system is - by the scale of the age of the universe - at a very low state of entropy. All through the life of this solar system - from gas clouds to the formation of solids and so on - the system as been giving off heat - as all thermodynamic systems do while they simplify down to their most stable state. Thus the temperature of the universe is a function of the continuing entropy of the universe. The entire mass of the universe was calculated, and a temperature that empty space should be at was determined - and tested - and found to be true.
But that very broad, macro-calculation is where we're at as far as this kind of calculation is concerned.
Can we do better?
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NASA - artists' conception of the Bow Wave of the Solar System |
So then I imagined speeding up the orbits of all the solar systems' planets to that of orbit rates of elections around the nucleus of an atom. At that mathematical extrapolation is there a slow wave particle - an X-ray for example - that compares to the speed of a spacecraft? If this is so, if one compares the calculated pioneer anomaly diffraction to the diffraction of an X-ray hitting a particular atoms' orbital field - are they simailar?
If so that force calculation determines a particle wave that forms from orbiting, spinning bodies of any size - then that calculates the properties of a Higgs-boson particle.
CERN won't like this.
You do the math - I can't.